How long does shipping usually take?

Our facility’s structure prioritizes quick fulfillment of all orders as soon as an order is placed, we average 2-3 business day deliveries (excl. holidays)

Do you accept returns?

Yes, you have a maximum of 15 calendar days to return an item, each item must be in its original sellable condition in order for your refund to be issued.

Will I receive a tracking number?

Yes, you will receive a parcel tracking number in your initial confirmation email upon placing an order, this is to ensure that we keep an accurate record of whether or not a customer received their order.

What if my item was not received?

Shall any complications arise, please send us a message by visiting the contact us page

Do you wholesale to other businesses?

A large portion of our business is dedicated towards B2B wholesaling, for wholesale inquiries please email our sales department at sales@ajadtrading.com

My question was not listed here, what can I do?

Please visit our Contact Us page, and send us a message using your preferred method of communication.

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